Through in-session and off-season lobbying, ACEC-SC fights hard all year to protect engineers across the state. We have dedicated staff who attend House, Senate, and Committee meetings – staff who study thousands of pages of bills and proposed plans so our members can be ready for whatever is thrown our way. This is a team who has your back. This ACEC-SC.
Want to learn more about our advocacy efforts?

Our Successes
See ACEC-SC’s biggest legislative successes here.
Get Involved. Make a Difference.

Legislative Reception
Face-to-face discussions with state legislators are vital to advancing the engineering industry. We urge all of our members to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to speak to your Representative and Senators. Make a positive impact. Attend the annual Legislative Reception.

Consulting Congress Day
Every year, ACEC-SC and our member firms journey to Washington, D.C., to stand before Congress and discuss our industry’s needs. Every voice, every body, every firm amplifies our message. Impel Congress to hear us. Join us in Washington, D.C.

Engineers’ Day on The Hill
We cannot be represented federally if we are not heard locally. That’s why ACEC-SC and partnering engineers gather at the State House every January to celebrate SC Engineers’ Day. Legislators often break from session to join us in the lobby. Help us take advantage of this chance to speak with them. Come celebrate Engineers’ Day on The Hill with us.